Mandarin Bilingual Preschool

Our early learning Mandarin Chinese curriculum reinforces Stratford’s advanced program, building upon foundational knowledge, skills, and concepts in the core academic areas. The classroom environment intentionally balances verbal fluency, and instruction in Mandarin Chinese accounts for at least 50% of our students’ day.

Through a dedicated team teaching approach (one English and one Mandarin speaking), our teachers place a special emphasis on foundational literacy and numeracy development while incorporating inquiry-based learning through STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math). Together, our teachers create an inclusive classroom in which individual needs are met, and students feel safe and secure to take risks within their learning.

Academic excellence and character development are of equal value to us at Stratford. We model and teach the five Confucian Values: kindness, goodness, honesty, modesty, wisdom, and trustworthiness, while fostering an early sense of self-identity, belonging, and self-value that we hope carries students through their entire lives.

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